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Mobile District Schools




Phone: (210) 945-5700, Extension 44054

Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Sociology Masters Degree in Counseling

Mrs. Janae Patterson

I was born in Chicago, but we moved to San Antonio when I was very young, so this has always been home to me.  I grew up in this area and attended Woodlake Hills Middle School and Judson High School.  Go Rockets!  I then attended the University of Texas at San Antonio.  I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and continued my education there by obtaining my Master’s Degree in Counseling.

I come from a big family and I have always loved children.  I also enjoyed school and love to read.  I realized I could combine all of these loves and have the best of both worlds by becoming an educator.  I went through alternative teacher certification and taught 2nd Grade and 3rd grade at Ed Franz Elementary.  I loved teaching, but I soon realized I wanted to work with students in a different capacity.  I wanted to help them with their social and emotional growth to improve their success in school and all other areas of their lives.  I am proud to say I have been here since the school first opened and I absolutely love it!  I look forward to working with you and your children. 

We have a Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program that includes four components:

      Guidance- classroom and group activities that focus on personal and social development, academic achievement and career awareness

      Individual Planning- counseling activities to assist students with planning, monitoring and managing their own academic achievement, personal/social growth and career development

      Responsive Services- counseling or referral activities to meet the immediate needs of the students

      System Support- indirect guidance management activities that maintain and enhance the total guidance program. 

Virtual Counseling Office