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Mission and Vision

Rolling Meadows

Our beautiful campus was officially opened during a dedication ceremony on March 10, 2011. The dedication of the building was conducted by Dr. Willis Mackey, Gilbert Flores, and Jayanna Kelly. The campus name is derived from the surrounding neighborhood.  The first class of Rolling Meadows 5th graders proudly paraded through our halls in cap and gown as Judson High School graduates this past May. 

Rolling Meadows Elementary is Green School space. All products and materials are made in Texas. 

The school colors are true to the fiesta theme of San Antonio. The blue floors are in resemblance to The Riverwalk. The firm that designed the school won numerous awards for the design. From this recognition, multiple dignitaries from around the world came to visit the campus and obtain information. At the time of the visit, the campus was participating in "Around the World" time-traveling. 

This campus design has been the model for three additional campuses. Rolling Meadows Elementary is proud to be the original building in Judson ISD. 

Our Mission

At Rolling Meadows, we foster opportunities to be motivated, empowered, and thoughtful individuals. We celebrate our diversity, growth, and achievement.

Our Vision

Inspire and Grow!